FathiGuemri F.
About :
Job Title: Full JavaScript Developer Specialization: Cross-platform applications : what can i do: Mobile applications Android and iPhone Desktop applications for Windows, macOS and most Linux distributions : Web application - Websites and Progressive Web Applications (PWA), of course (server-side & client-side), and also with SEO backend GraphQL API & REST API User interface design and user experience UI/UX The primary language in development is TypeScript with frameworks specific to each platform. I can also make one code that works on all these platforms. Education and qualifications: Self-taught, as much as I am passionate about this field, I made a lot of sacrifices in order to learn website design, applications, and programming in general, with knowledge of the latest versions and updates of these languages and technologies, and more permanent and continuous development. Educational resources: books and the website dedicated to these magazines, the official websites of programming languages Thank you for viewing my profile
Name : FathiGuemri F.
Gender : male
Location : Tataouine
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